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The gateway to Surrey Hills

With a name bequeathed by its prominent resident Lord Beaverbrook, this jaw-dropping stay offers 470-acres of grounds and woodlands and is the ideal gateway to the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding National Beauty.


Gather a glimpse into Lord Beaverbrook’s life and 20th-century British politics by first examining the site’s historic guestbook. As a cabinet minister in both World Wars, a close personal friend of Winston Churchill and owner of both the Daily Express and Sunday Express, he was deeply involved in the political workings of the day, and this prestige emanates throughout the home.


The rooms span three properties – from the late-Victorian estate, The Cottage at the Garden House (close to the forest) and the Coach House (a spacious residence you can rent in its entirety). This all is in addition to Churchill’s private suite – which you can stay at yourself and enjoy the superlative terrace views. Other highlights include speciality spa, three restaurants and its own golf club (and there’s plenty more in the nearby Hills). 


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